Breaking Kenya News Forum


Month: March 2021

8888 uprising in “2021”

Saffron Revolution mostly took part in the second half of 2007, initially caused by a national fuel price hike by the country’s military government. The massive protest movement of nonviolent resistance was led by activists, students, and monks, sometimes with marches led by thousands of the country’s Buddhist monks. The current protest movement is already

Zionist Fascism in Israel

Albert Einstein signed a joint letter to the New York Times warning of Zionist Fascism in Israel following the Deir Yassin massacre. Einstein and his associates warned that the ultranationalist and religious/racial superiority doctrine that Zionist terrorist groups such as Irgun Zvai Leumi espoused could lead to Fascism, and compared such groups in their organisation,

French Revolution Massacre

French Revolution when numerous massacres and public executions took place. Over 16,000 death sentences were carried out across France, and over 2,000 of those were in Paris, an additional 10,000 died in prisons without trial. There is still historical dispute over when the killings began during the French Revolution. The revolution caused a essential shift

Colonial Powers Negativity

The world’s countries can trace their modern borders to this period of European colonialism, starting with the capture of Ceuta by the Portuguese in 1415, and arguably ending after the Second World War. Colonies have existed for much of human history, however this period of European expansion gave rise to massive colonial empires, where most

Pentagon Papers

The Pentagon paper was leaked to the press by whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg and revealed government secrets regarding the Vietnam War, and set in motion a sequence of events that would lead to the end of Richard Nixon’s presidency. Helping to hasten the end of the Vietnam War and deeply embarrassed previous US government . However

Inequality With Capitalism

Disparities between generations, with those born in the 1980s the first post-war generation to have lower incomes during early adulthood than the previous generation. soaring levels of inequality are now thought to be the worst in the countries where capitalism is the order of the day mostly i Europe . The Inequality has been created

Bailing out

Globally governments are preemptively scrambling to finance businesses large and small in order to minimise the economic impact of the viral pandemic due to coronavirus pandemic which is widely considered to be leading to a massive global financial crisis as widespread unemployment and bankruptcy disrupts lives and businesses around the world. Some governments are have

open market capitalism Miracle in Chile

The turn around of Chile’s economic policy in the 70s and 80s was largely due to the input of a group of Chilean economists dubbed the “Chicago Boys”, as they had studied economics at the University of Chicago under Friedman and Arnold Harberger. Chile’s economic miracle should be depicted as a solidification of corporate power

Mauritian Miracle

Mauritius has an economy based on tourism, textiles, sugar, and financial services, with the second highest GDP per capita in Africa it is recognised as one of the most developed economies in the African region; competitive, investment friendly, enjoying good governance and a free economy. As a result Mauritius has ranked “very high” on the

Communist Vietnam

Vietnam has long been expected to become one of the world’s top 50 largest economies by 2050, benefitting from Special Economic Zones of reduced taxes and government investment in much the same way as China. Vietnam is governed as a one party state and the ruling communist party is open about their Marxist–Leninist ideology, the