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holocaust denial in Croatia

Croatia inherited the anti-Semitism from their Nazi German allies, but the foundation of fascism in Croatia was distinctly Catholic. In recent years the Church has published a book celebrating Maks Luburic, the head of the Ustaše concentration camps, and published articles in the Glas Koncila newspaper by Jasenovac-denier Igor Vukić and other Jasenovac and Holocaust deniers. The head of the Croatian Bishops’ Conference has even argued that Croatian army should reinstate the war-time Ustaše salute, akin to the Nazi “Sieg Heil” salute. There seems to be a repeated efforts to whitewash the Ustasha legacy from within the Croatian Catholic Church, and with this the horrors of the both the Croatian and Nazi Holocaust are met with revision or denial. Do you think that the perpetrators should be compelled to be responsible for their evil deeds ?

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