Breaking Kenya News Forum


India to “shut down” Twitter

At the height of the farmers’ protests against a series of agriculture reform laws, the government had asked Twitter to remove tweets it believed that had used an incendiary hashtag, and accounts it alleged were used by Pakistan-backed Sikh separatist groups. Twitter had first blocked some 250 accounts, including those of a news magazine and activists and organisations associated with supporting the year-long protests on the outskirts of capital Delhi. But six hours later, Twitter restored the accounts, citing “insufficient justification” for continuing the suspension. Former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has alleged that the Indian government threatened to shut the platform and raid employees’ houses in the country. Twitter was also asked to censor journalists critical of the government, he alleged. India has denied the allegations and accused Twitter of violating laws. Do you think that India can go Nigerian way of blocking Twitter access in the country ?

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